2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery

Welcome to the Italy Star Association 1943-1945 website Forums Lost Trails 2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery

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    • #22264
      Diane Belanger-VenaDiane Belanger-Vena

      I’m retracing the steps of my grandfather during WW2.  He was awarded 1939-45 Star, the Italy Star, France and Germany Star and Defence Star.

      He was a gunner Jean Camille Belanger (better known at J.C. Belanger).  I know he spend quite a bit of time in England.

      Theatres of Service: Canada, Britain Central Mediterranean Area and Northwest-Europe.

      I am in particular trying to research where he was physically on D-Day.

      Thank you

      Diane Vena

    • #22265
      Frank de PlantaFrank de Planta


      If your grandfather served in 2 Fd Regt RCA then he was not at D Day and the majority of his war was spent in Italy.

      2 Fd Regt RCA was one of the the Field Artillery Regiments that supported 1 Canadian Infantry Division throughout the war.  So you can safely say that wherever 1 Canadian Infantry Division went then so did 2 Fd Regt RCA.

      In Italy, from my perspective as a battlefield guide, they had three big encounters – Ortona in Dec 43, Cassino in May 44 and the Gothic Line at Rimini in Sep 44.

      In Jan 45, the two Divisions of I (Cdn) Corps – 1 Canadian Infantry Division and 5 Canadian Armoured Division, were moved from Italy to North West Europe to reinforce the Canadian Army there.




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