Edward Collins -Driver 8th Royal Army Corps

Welcome to the Italy Star Association 1943-1945 website Forums Lost Trails Edward Collins -Driver 8th Royal Army Corps

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    • #17633
      Keila LindfieldKeila Lindfield

      I am trying to find out anything about my Grandfather Edward Collins. I believe he was an ammunition lorry driver during WW2. He received the Italy Star and the Africa Star. But would like to put some meat on the bones as they say. I don’t even know his regiment number. He was with the 8th Royal Army Corps and family rumour is he served beside Bernard Law Montgomery? Any info woud be great.

    • #17635
      Frank de PlantaFrank de Planta


      To quote Chris Harris:

      You will no doubt receive the good advice from others here to obtain his Army Service Record from https://www.gov.uk/get-copy-military-service-records/apply-for-someone-elses-records
      You will need a copy of his Death Cert or other proof that he is deceased which will then enable you to obtain a copy yourself as a relative. It will be £30 for the records which you will probably need advice to understand.

      If you get stuck (I doubt you will) go to my thread Eyes and Ears of the Regiment for my email address.

      From his Army Records you can then find out which unit he was in and obtain copies of their War Diaries from National Archives or other sites specialising in WW2.



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