George John TULEY Royal Signals – Dispatch Rider
Hi I am researching my Dads military career and was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of him or could assist me with anything that he may have been involved in. He landed in Sicily (following involvement in North Africa) and worked his way across the Island until he reached Messina. He then crossed the straights and landed at Salerno. From there he went to Monte Cassino, Rome and then headed North. He ended the War in Graz / Villach, Austria. Unfortunately he is no longer with us, though I can remember some of the stories he told me. At some point he said that he was in Brindisi, though where that fits in to the rest of the events, I am unsure of, as I am of his route North of Rome. I can remember one or two of the stories like heading to the rear for some r’n’r and finding two Salvation Army (???) members brewing some tea and handing
out ‘sticky’ buns to the troops. Any ideas, stories or events etc would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Andrew TULEY