Reply To: Grand-Uncle Lal Khan
Welcome to the Italy Star Association 1943-1945 website › Forums › Lost Trails › Grand-Uncle Lal Khan › Reply To: Grand-Uncle Lal Khan
Adnan, I can elaborate, Sepoy Lal Khan is actually located in grave 20 G 4, not the main memorial panel. I placed a poppy on the graves of all in my father’s battalion – every KIA from the 3/8 Punjab Rent (it no longer exists) last May when I went to Cassino. The CWGC list states he died on May 12, 1944. Many of my father’s men did on the River Gari crossing. also placed a poppy on the main panel for the rest of the 3/8 KIAs. I have recently sent some pix to Robin which update my trip (for those seeking Lost Trail info). I went with Frank de Planta, battlefield guide, and he can get photos of specific graves. Best wishes, Sue